
The Coloradans for the Common Good Fund provides leadership development and civic education to member congregations, schools and nonprofits of Coloradans for the Common Good.

Our mission is to prepare a powerful network of leaders in our diverse communities to act through their congregations, unions and other civic organizations to address the injustices that our families face.

In partnership with Coloradans for the Common Good, the CCG Fund:

  • Brings together diverse people—creating alliances across socio-economic, political, ethnic and faith backgrounds—to reflect and act around common issues such as economic development and shared prosperity, better wages and opportunities for meaningful employment, accessible and affordable health care, high quality public education, among others.
  • Trains institutional leaders in the art of building “public relationships,” creating a relational culture, and identifying & recruiting talented lay leadership and developing their public skills.  These skills include building relationships one-on-one, understanding others in terms of their own values and interests, negotiating, building accountability, and reaching compromises.
  • Creates a forum for diverse persons to come together to exercise and develop their skills of public life and a vehicle for teaching these skills to the larger community.

In bringing together diverse community institutions, CCG Fund creates a vehicle through which leaders can build strong relationships within and across communities, and develop leadership and organizing skills to act powerfully together on concrete issues for the common good.